Cristina Jill Mosqueda


CroquemboucheA Gallic Wedding Treat “A croquembouche or croque-en-bouche is a French dessert consisting of choux pastry puffs piled into a cone and bound with threads of caramel. In Italy and France, it is often served at weddings, baptisms and first communions.” ~Wikipedia ~ Have you ever been brave enough to attempt to make a croquembouche?…

A View From the Road

A View On the Road For better or worse, this is not an unusual view for us, in our car, when we are on the road; especially when traveling between Florida and Maine. If I have a pretty bouquet of flowers, in good enough condition, I will usually walk them across the street, for Mark…

In the Wild!

Sharing the Back Stoop This sweet little orange cat began coming around the house, looking for food; so we of course bought him cat food, how could we not. I do not know if he is a stray or simply someone’s pet that likes to go explore. Apparently, word got out in the world of…

The Dialogue

Los Dones Espirituales I have so little written by my Father, verses my Mother. On this little piece of paper, he wrote out the gifts of the Spirit. I so wish I had a tape of him preaching.


To love a painting is to feel that this presence is… not an object but a voice. ~ Andre Malraux ~     A Day in June by George Bellows   I love this painting, but to fully appreciate what I so admire, you need to get up close; or perhaps have a better photographer…

From the Editor

Milestones   “Milestones (Latin: Miliarium) were originally stone obelisks – made from granite, marble, or whatever local stone was available – and later concrete posts. They were widely used by Roman Empire road builders and were an important part of any Roman road network: the distance travelled per day was only a few miles in…

In the Wild!

Flamingos! But not In the Wild! I would love to have seen this flock In the Wild, but alas, they live in the zoo, in South Carolina. In the past, I have written about my love hate relationship with zoos; I truly hate seeing animals in cages, but it is impossible to deny, especially given…

A View from the Road

Ransom Eli Olds Have you heard of Ransom Olds? I had not; but I must say I love his name. Yes, familiar with his car, the Oldsmobile, but did not know the man’s name, until I pulled over to check out the brown historical marker – I so love these signs – thank you Papi!…


Memorial Day     “The 30th of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village and hamlet churchyard in the land.” ~ General John…

Public Square

The Globeat“The Daily News Building”     It was raining, we were staying next door, on 42nd Street, and I was on a mission to find a View From the Road, which I never located; but this moment is why I love the road. I was drawn to the exterior of the building, and chilly…