Category: Connected


Telemedicine My thyroid was surgically removed, thus I need Synthroid. I have had the same prescription for years and yet I often procrastinate in going to my primary physician, to get the prescription for the blood work, and then make another appointment, to review the results, to receive the prescription for same dosage of Synthroid.…


Securing Media and Entertainment We are all impacted by Media and Entertainment, whether as creators or consumers. Knowing how to secure data is critical for this industry, because among other things, “fake news” is actually real. It is important that we know where data originated and that what we are seeing/listening too is unaltered. To…


Writing Women in to History I remember my 10th grade history teacher saying to all of us, go make herstory.  I have often thought about this comment throughout my life. I went to an all-girl, Catholic high school.  I think some people, in today’s politically charged environment, would think of herstory as a liberal concept.  But the teacher was not liberal and…


 Cryptocurrency     Most people, who know me, know I love action movies. Thus bank heists fit right in to my genre of films.  Whether it is Point Break where the leading character disguises his face as one of the United State Presidents or Inside Man, a brilliantly executed hostage situation, or Swordfish which steals…


 Blockchain The Internet changed our lives in numerous ways, and became a great equalizer for society. It changed the way we do business, and made the world a little smaller.  We now have another technology that will go a step further.  It is called blockchain. What is blockchain? First, blockchain is a distributed database, meaning…


 Ada Lovelace The Mother of Computer Programming Of late, at least in my world, the impact of women in technology has become something of a topic de jour. Are women in technology, yes we are!  Do we impact technology, indeed we do!  Have we made a meaningful contribution to technology, we have and we continue…


 Connected in the Cloud Have you heard of the Cloud? I am sure you have; it is impossible to be engaged with technology and not have heard the term the Cloud.  Just to be clear, the Cloud is not actually in the heavens, the terms origins are unknown, but its meaning is universally understood to…


Digital Life and Death What will your digital legacy be and who will manage your digital life once you die? Tough questions, but they don’t necessarily have to be difficult if managed, while you are in control. Just as we should have a will that helps our loved ones deal with the assets of our…


Find a Day to Disconnect     I am a bit late with proclaiming my New Year’s resolution, but not with trying to enact it: Find a Day to Disconnect. It took me a while longer this year, than normal, to agree to taking down the Christmas tree and put away the remaining decorations. I…


To The Burlington Electric Company From Russia With Love The recent cyberattack at the Burlington Electric Company, in Vermont, is like something out of the pages of the Ian Fleming novel, From Russia With Love. Fleming’s novel about plot and counterplots between British and Russian intelligence agencies, is very similar to what we have seen…