
A Gallic Wedding Treat

“A croquembouche or croque-en-bouche is a French dessert consisting of choux pastry puffs piled into a cone and bound with threads of caramel. In Italy and France, it is often served at weddings, baptisms and first communions.” ~Wikipedia ~

Have you ever been brave enough to attempt to make a croquembouche? I have not, but would like to!

I do not know who cut out this page from the New York Times Magazine, but based on the picture on the back, I would say it was some time around the early 1970’s.

I will admit to a sexist point of view here, and say that I assume it was a woman who tore this out and saved it for so many years; one who has now passed away and whose children discarded this piece of ephemera for me to find.

I do wonder if she ever made her croquembouche; or was it something she planned to make, but perhaps the proper occasion never arose. Anyone planning a Gallic Wedding; I would be happy to send this your way.



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