Poet’s Corner

Do You Remember


Do you remember the day we met?

Everything seemed so ordinary,

I could not have imagined what that encounter would mean.

It was your earrings which drew me to you.

They did not match.

I figured it was with intent;

But was not sufficiently sophisticated to know that was the look on the Continent.

Can you imagine, I felt bad for you?

I thought you were going to find it difficult to acclimate and be accepted.

You were different, but so was I.

You were also smart.

Smart mattered.

It still does.

Have the years been good to us?

I am not sure; but I think they have been.

Have our dreams been fully realized,

Or have they just changed?

I know we have had our ups and downs,

and shared moments we might both like to forget.

There have been a few tears shed,

and not everything which we hoped for has been realized.

But I do remember the day we met;

and I am grateful we have been able to share so much of our lives together,

Even when we are apart.


~ Cristina Jill Mosqueda ~

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