
To love a painting is to feel that this presence is… not an object but a voice.

~ Andre Malraux ~



Peasants Crossing Stream


Jan Siberechts

I am not sure why this painting appeals to me as much as it does, as its pallet is much darker than I would normally be drawn to, but I could see it hanging in a mahogany ladened dining room, lit by large candelabras, with a table set with large, over filled platters of edible delights.

I do not know how well you can see his face; but the man sitting atop the horse, carrying the jug, has an expression that I find rather curious. What is he thinking? I know, forever my unanswered question. Who is the woman in the stream? Is he speaking with her or waiting for her to say something to him?


Art can never exist without naked beauty displaced.

~ William Blake ~

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