Griffith Park
“Ride, ride the carrousel, and reach for the ring.
never to finish but begin again, life is a circular thing.”
~ Eileen Lynch ~
I found this print in Florida, where it had been discarded. I was drawn to the image, as I like carrousels; but had no idea it was actually of a carrousel I have ridden many times, it is located in Griffith Park, in Los Angeles.
This image takes me back to many good days; there was a season in my life, when more than a few significant afternoons were spent in this park. But as the years pass, the day spent there with my niece, seems to outweigh the rest.
Happy Birthday Beth!
“Carrousel Song”
I could not believe this print, in the bottom right hand corner; when familiarizing yourself with a piece of ephemera, date truly matters!
I am holding Beth; we spent the day at Griffith Park, the Carrousel is behind us, yes we rode on it!