I Am Always Wrong
I do not seem
to have a single thought
I feel bombarded
by a thousand words and ideas
all crashing into one another
circling around my mind
as if driven
by their own will
instead of mine
I am too old to continue
to believe in happy endings
or the erroneous notion
that there is a right thing to do
and that someone
may want to do
that right thing
I need to step away
from my cluttered brain
and forget the notion
of a Prince Charming
riding up on his white steed
I wonder if I can
become unencumbered
from my own mind
is it possible to clear my head
of the chaos
at least for a moment
in time
accepting that no one
wants to step up to the plate
it has been left unattended
with intent
I do not seek
to permanently
separate myself
from my thoughts
but I do need
a respite
even in my sleep
my thoughts
continue to demand
my attention
I cannot find the rest
I so desperately
yearn for
and need
if I just accept
that right
over mite
will not prevail
I can finally stop
seeking and hoping
and then
I will have peace