Why does your good news
make me feel like crying?
I see the plethora of congratulations,
and understand I must add mine to theirs;
but somehow I do not feel you are happy,
though you must be,
I keep remembering all of the endless dreams,
you used to speak of,
none of which ended like this,
did they?
Was I wrong to hope for you,
with you,
that your wishes would come true?
Why do I grieve for you,
wanting to offer you my condolences,
thinking about the life you will not live,
mourning the world you will never know
and wondering about what might have been?
Did you get tired of running against the wind,
and simply seek the path of least resistance?
Or was this plan,
after all,
the chosen path,
as it were?
Perhaps your yearnings have simply changed,
and I have not kept up;
that must be it,
you could not possibly be a soul
who settles for so much less
than what you wanted.
I have never been good with change,
the problem must be me;
so okay,
I will fall in step with all of the rest:
Congratulations, old friend –
~ Cristina Jill Mosqueda ~