Cristina Jill Mosqueda

From the Editor

A Kind Deed “You can’t see the forest for the trees.” I woke up to a kitchen perfumed by a perfect lilac, it was given to me by my neighbors, after having shared a delightful dinner; I was told repeatedly, to please pick as many flowers as I liked. I am not sure from where…

Poet’s Corner

Both a Wanderer and Wonderer     I am both a wanderer and a wonderer   I wonder if you are as well it seems that perhaps you too may have been dusted with the enchantment of being a wanderer and wonderer   I know being a wanderer and a wonderer can make life a…

From the Editor

 Magnanimity Yesterday, as I was leaving the library, a little girl, about ten years old, must have taken note that my arms were bulging with books; she and her friend were in front of me, she walked over to the button, to open the doors automatically, and pressed it. I was genuinely touched; as she…

Poet’s Corner

Truth I keep remembering How you stepped back Then drew closer Whispering in my ear You asked me what I wanted I respond Truth You told me I could have anything My answer did not change Truth You said my wish was your command I said only one thing Truth You stepped back again Then…

From the Editor

Once Blood Has Been Shed Words Can Change Nothing I happened to find myself near a Middle Eastern store, which of late, I infrequently shop in, due to its location; I decided to take advantage of the moment, and see if they might have a tea that I was looking for. Many years ago, a…

Poet’s Corner

His Love Song Driving down the busy street, entertained by my to do list, I flip the radio on, and for the first time, I hear his lyrics. I turn the radio up a bit, And close the windows, blocking any outside distraction; he has my undivided attention. His words sweep over me; I listen…

From the Editor

I Really Do Get It A little less than a year ago, I was hopeful and looking forward to this year’s election; today I am terrified and so wishing I had been able to inspire other’s to approach this election with, at the very least, a clearer head. Soon the results of Super Tuesday will…

Poet’s Corner

A Lasting Love I am always quite enthralled when I see those couples, sitting on the beach or walking hand in hand with weathered faces, grayed hair, and perhaps a beat skipped, in their walk, who nevertheless seem enthralled in each other’s company. I stare intently, while trying to be discrete, when a chair is…

From the Editor

Forgiveness I received a private message, on social media which said: “Don’t you think?” with a link to a meme proclaiming: “Lord, may we be a people who forgive one another!” and it quoted a verse in Ephesians.   I clicked on the link, and went back to the note, and wrote: “Yes, of course.” Later,…

From the Editor

Missing Youth (Me, living in Maywood California, when I attended Nimitz Jr. High, with Curly, our dog) Today, I find myself sitting at a desk, in a hotel room, on the sixth floor looking down at a snow covered park, surrounded by wide boulevards and buildings that are over a hundred years old. I spent…